Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Anatomy of the Table

Alkali metals, Alkaline earth metals, Transition metals , Noble Gases-

Transition Metals
· Transition metals are classified by their orbitals or their shells.
· Able to have 32 electrons in their second to last shell. No shell can have more than 32 electrons.
· Transition metals use the outer shells to bond with other elements
· They are located on the “D” block on the periodic table.

Alkali Metals
· Alkali Metals are located in group 1 on the periodic table.
· They are highly reactive and almost never found in nature.
· Contain one electron in their most outer shell.

Alkaline Earth Metals
· Alkaline Earth Metals are located in group 2 on the periodic table.
· React with halogens to form ionic salts.
· Alkaline Earth Metals have two electrons in their valence shell.

Noble Gases
· Noble gases are located in group 8 on the periodic table.
· Noble gases have similar properties; odorless, colorless and have a low chemical reactivity.

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