Sunday, September 14, 2008

Organization of the Periodic Table

How is the Periodic Table Organized?

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev wrote a textbook that would be the bases for modern chemical and physical theory. Elements are arranged on the periodic table according to their atomic numbers. The structure of the table displays the specific electron arrangements in each type of atom. The table is divided into vertical columns called groups (families) and horizontal rows called periods. Every element has a period, however only the outer elements (s1, s2, p) are in groups. Hydrogen and helium are special elements, hydrogen usually has a missing or extra electron while helium can only have 2 electrons on the its outer shell. The periodic table is also described as “the grid”. The scientist placed the elements in specific places the way they act and look. When the development of quantum mechanics in the 1920s scientists worked out how the electrons arrange themselves to give the element its properties.

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