Sunday, September 14, 2008

How Ideas are Represented

Atomic Radius is represented on the periodic table by seeing the elements from left to right, and realizing that the electrons are placed specifically one by one in order to the outer energy shell. The attraction to protons inside an energy shell is so strong that electrons cannot shield one another. The number of protons is also growing, so the nuclear charge grows when moving along a period. Consequently, the atomic radius decreases. On the contrary, going down a group, the electron number grows. The valence electron number will stay exactly the same. The electrons most vulnerable to the effective the nuclear charge are the outermost ones. The atomic radii will grow when electrons are further away from the nucleus, causing the energy shell to increase.

Ionization Energy is represented in to ways first ionization and second ionization. Second ionization increases in energy much more than first ionization if successful. The energy increases if moving across a period from left to right. But if going down a group, the energy decreases.

Electronegavity is electrons bonding in an atom. If the nuclei does not give off a strong attractive bond on electrons, then the electrons containing low ionization energies will have a low electronegavity. High ionization energy elements have high electronegavities because the nuclei pull strongly on the electrons. If the atomic number increases, the electronegavity will decrease in a group. That is caused by the distance between the nucleus and the valence electron being increased.

Electron affinity is how an atom takes in a new electron. Certain groups in the periodic table are categorized with low electron affinities together. Example: alkaline earths. The stability of an element is determined by what the sub shell is filled with. Most of the groups have low electron affinities. Some elements even have zero or near zero affinities because its stability does not require another electron.

Below is a helpful Chart I found on the website listen in the Bibliography.
“Summary of Periodic Table Trends”
Moving Left --> Right
Atomic Radius Decreases
Ionization Energy Increases
Electronegativity Increases

Moving Top --> Bottom
Atomic Radius Increases
Ionization Energy Decreases

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